it is the synthesis between the best of EMS technology and sport, at the service of your health. Today we no longer discuss the benefits of electrostimulation : top athletes, models, internationally renowned actors…
Today, the benefits of electrostimulation are no longer discussed: top athletes, models, internationally renowned actors... Many have experienced the virtues of this technique and observed its remarkable results. Even sports medicine recommends its use; this is why we have witnessed in recent years the exponential development of centers offering this activity.
EMSBODYFIT has thought of everything.
You can come as a couple!
Our infrastructures have planned everything; we welcome you as a duo with the same pleasure and exercises specifically designed for this configuration. Our coaches work on emulation, stimulate you with interactive movements, which encourage you to share effort and pleasure with your partner.
Are you a senior?
Are you worried that electrostimulation is not for you? Think again ! EMSBODYFIT is for everyone. Here again, the coaches are trained to adapt the session to your cardio-respiratory potential; they take into account your possibilities to make you progress in the strict respect of your safety, and promote the improvement of your health.
In addition, a recovery system is carried out after each class in order to regain form and comfort quickly. This method has the power to break the dimples of the skin giving the effect of a "palped-rolled". A reduction in cellulite and orange peel skin is clearly visible from the fourth session thanks to a 5-minute program.